Category: Resilience

Zoning Our Way to HOA Insanity

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
I’m big on local. Not because I hate Walmart and 3,000 mile Caesar salads but because, as I see it, communities built on interdependent systems are better suited to taking on the challenges and opportunities presented by time. That’s why, when it comes to the decisions that most directly impact day-to-day quality... Continue Reading

Ottawa: Lessons from great Canadian urbanism

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Ottawa celebrates Canada's cultural mosaic, its urbanism full of delight and engagement. As with most North American cities, its oldest neighbourhoods have positive lessons for urban design today. This is because much of what makes Ottawa character delightful is illegal in the development bylaws that govern its more auto-centric... Continue Reading

Mont-Tremblant: Cottage living in the Canadian Shield

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
As the second in a three part pictorial series finding inspiration in Canadian urbanism, I’ve been invigorated again by a short stint of cottage living. Which of us hasn’t felt the delightful lightness that comes with downsizing our primary residence? Some of my most carefree years were spent living in an 800 SF cottage... Continue Reading

Montreal: Lessons from great Canadian urbanism

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Ever had a teacher who was so amazing at storytelling that difficult subjects become clear – and riveting? Some of my favourites that come to mind are Professors John Kraus and Robert Garbacz on electromagnetics, and Andrés Duany and Léon Krier on urbanism. The last few days, I’ve spent some time in la belle province,... Continue Reading

Dogs vs. SUVs, and other silly distractions

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
While it’s admittedly dated in relation to internet time, this recent Upworthy post resurrects a 2009 New Scientist article comparing the environmental footprints of household pets vs. those of various vehicles. Its soundbite takeaway? Your medium-sized dog has roughly twice the footprint of a Toyota Land Cruiser. Guess... Continue Reading

In Defense of ‘Vibrancy’ (And beer)

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
So I’m watching Asheville, the closest city to my rural community in western North Carolina, celebrate the announcement that Colorado-based New Belgium Brewing Company will be opening a brewery in the city’s redeveloping River Arts District. And based partly on extensive research with PlaceMakers partner Scott Doyon... Continue Reading

Community-Based Economic Development

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
This week my family enthusiastically celebrates both Canada Day and Independence Day, wishing Canada a happy 145th birthday, and the US a happy 236th. We honor the effective portions of the collective community vision that made these two nations great! The oldest continuously occupied settlements in each country are St. Continue Reading

Building a Custom, Multi-Century House for Under $80 a Square Foot

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Affordability is a tough nut to crack. For decades, the production housing industry has operated under a simple premise: Americans value space above all else. If you want to make a house more affordable, you build the same house with lower quality materials and cheaper details. Goodbye four-sides brick, hello one-side... Continue Reading

Punk Rock and the New Urbanism: Getting back to basics

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
By the early to mid 1970s, something was wrong with rock and roll. It no longer fought the system. Worse than that, it had become the system. Bloated. Detached. Pretentious. Performer and audience, once fused in a mutual quest to stick it to the man, now existed on separate planes --  an increasingly complacent... Continue Reading

Rolling with Ever-Changing Gas Prices: Lessons from my dumb luck

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
The Atlanta Journal Constitution’s Op-Ed pages took on the subject of gas prices this week, devoting a good fifty column inches to a discussion that could otherwise be summarized like this: The price of gas might increase by anywhere from a few pennies to a dollar this year. It might also go down, but then it will... Continue Reading
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