Category: Environment | Sustainability

CARZILLA: Are huge SUVs & trucks hurting pedestrians and walkable communities?

Kaid Benfield
Kaid Benfield Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
I’ve become obsessed with the size of personal vehicles, and I’m pretty sure it’s driving my wife crazy.  Every time we take a walk, run an errand, or find ourselves in a parking facility, I can’t help myself from commenting constantly about the enormous size of many newer cars, trucks, and especially SUVs... Continue Reading

Green Infrastructure: Let’s get spongy!

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
Green infrastructure encompasses a range of innovative, nature-based solutions, such as green roofs, rain gardens, permeable pavements, and bioswales. These approaches work in harmony with the environment to manage stormwater, reduce urban heat island effects, and promote biodiversity. By integrating green infrastructure... Continue Reading

Serpentine Maze: Pop-up parks in a time of pandemic

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
In this week's post, PlaceMaker Hazel Borys walks us through a pop-up park that she and her friends built. And how it helps implement three of the 22 actions of the Pandemic Toolkit. Click below to launch. Continue Reading

Pandemic Toolkit: Actions for rebuilding health and opportunity

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
In the seven months since I blogged last, many of us have turned our attention to cataloguing and collecting planning practices of how cities, towns and suburbs are responding to COVID-19 in an attempt to rebuild health and opportunity. Thanks to those of you who contributed to the PlaceMakers Pandemic Response Compendium,... Continue Reading

A Pirate Looks at . . . Seventy? (Reflections on a Long Career, with Six Essentials for Greener, Healthier Communities)

Kaid Benfield
Kaid Benfield Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Most people who know my work expect the writing I do in this space, as well as my speaking, to focus on what we should be doing to create and sustain greener, healthier communities. Don’t worry, that’s eventually where this particular piece of writing is going. I can’t help myself when it comes to that subject. But... Continue Reading

Climate Adaptation: A weather report

Scott Bernstein
Scott Bernstein
This is a case study of the application of Scott’s argument that will be presented at the upcoming virtual Congress, CNU28, during the Wednesday, June 10, 2:30pm EDT session, New Tools for Urban Resilience, as well as part of our ongoing series in support of urbanist COVID-19 policy discussions. Among the lessons... Continue Reading

Climate Change Update, Part II: Leveraging “The Biggest Little Things”

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
“The best strategies are the ones that can be implemented.” That’s a reminder from Jim Fox, director of NEMAC, the National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center at the University of North Carolina Asheville. Taking ideas to meaningful action is the bottom-line test of any plan. And it applies particularly... Continue Reading

Climate Change Update, Part I: The End is Near (Really)

Ben Brown
Ben Brown
Back in 2011 when we were emerging from the Great Recession, I wrote an “End Is Near” post about the chance to make use of the crisis. When you run out of all options except the ones that force you to think big,” I wrote, a little panic could be a good thing: “We are about to be freed to innovate, to become... Continue Reading

A New Path to Code Reform

Susan Henderson
Susan Henderson Instagram Facebook
The Users' Guide to Code Reform leads planners through the code reform process, providing tools for governments lacking the capacity to develop a full form-based code. The Project for Code Reform is one of the most important efforts we’ve had the privilege of contributing to in the last decade. We’ve spent most... Continue Reading

The Science is In: The healthiest neighborhoods are both walkable and green

Kaid Benfield
Kaid Benfield Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Most of us, most of the time, don’t make much connection between place – the neighborhoods where we live, work, and play – and our health. Not unless we’re thinking of such obvious local health concerns as an outbreak of infectious disease in the community, serious levels of pollution or toxicity nearby, or... Continue Reading
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