Category: Agriculture

The Allure of Food: It’s not just a lifestyle, it’s a life

Hazel Borys
Hazel Borys Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
All the recent talk of Agrarian Urbanism has sent me down a tangential thought process. The difference between life and lifestyle. Lifestyle has come to mean how we spend our money on the weekends – or maybe squeeze in after work – before we get back to the grind. Things that often have more to do with entertainment... Continue Reading

CNU 19: The Uprising

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
Like my anniversary, family birthdays and selected holidays, the Congress for the New Urbanism is an annual ceremony that I faithfully attend. My lovely wife would confirm that I never question the necessary time and money spent to participate in the congresses. And, as expected, I thoroughly enjoyed my time at CNU 19... Continue Reading

Dancing with Urban Agriculture

Howard Blackson
Howard Blackson Twitter Instagram
My lovely wife of eight years enjoys really bad television. For better or worse, last night she tricked me into watching a segment of 'Dancing with the Stars.' Coyly, she asked me to name the movies in which the dancing ‘star’ had ‘starred’. Having no idea and starting my way back upstairs, I heard her mimicking... Continue Reading
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