Scott Doyon

13 Ways to Kill Your Community

Scott Doyon
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Not so long ago, fellow urban scribe and recently elected mayor of Concrete, Washington, Jason Miller, recommended the book, “13 Ways to Kill Your Community.” The timing was fortuitous. For a while, in an ongoing series of internal conversations, I’d been wrestling with a fundamental question of human nature: Are... Continue Reading

Sustainability: What’s in a word?

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
The places we inhabit are rarely if ever arbitrary. They’re the products of intention. Personal. Economic. Environmental. Religious. We choose for ourselves, individually and collectively, the kind of places we want and -- through leadership, policy, investment, advocacy, action and, at times, inaction -- those places... Continue Reading

Going Green: What is it you really want?

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Last week I spent some time in the mountains of southern Virginia visiting my folks. That’s something I not only enjoy but find productive as well, as it affords me opportunity to further explain exactly what it is I do for a living. For some reason, “telling the story of community placemaking” still leaves them... Continue Reading

Meet Your ‘Makers: Where we’ll be at CNU 21 Salt Lake City

Scott Doyon
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It's that time of year again, fellow urbanists. The Congress for the New Urbanism, perhaps the country's most comprehensive gathering of city planners, city builders and city lovers. This year, the 21st, is themed Living Community which, according to organizers, "balances the demands of physical, social, economic, and... Continue Reading

American Makeover Debut:
“Seaside: The City of Ideas”

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Following up on their debut episode, “Sprawlanta,” the good folks at First + Main Media have unveiled the latest installment in their “American Makeover” documentary series: “Seaside: The City of Ideas.” (Disclosure: PlaceMakers is a sponsor of the series.) In it, town designer Andrés Duany leads a guided... Continue Reading

The Pendulum Shifts: Expertise is now suspect

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Slow and steady progress is built on an ongoing series of course corrections. Subtle variations in direction based on new variables, new challenges, and new innovations. As times and circumstances change, some things inevitably become less productive. Or effective. Or conducive to contemporary sensibilities. So, we... Continue Reading

I Just Live Here: Welcome to the suburbs, deconstructed

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
Taking shots at the suburbs is like playing bass in a garage band: Easy to do, but hard to do well. After all, their original intent -- an idyllic melding of town and country, with all the advantages of both -- implied a tranquil, family-friendly promise that, over time, has proven notoriously unfulfilled. Surely that’s... Continue Reading

Placemaking Gets Freaky

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
I’m a freak magnet. For reasons unknown, the more, err, colorful characters of the public realm seem to find my personal space especially attractive. If I go to a midday matinée and another patron -- let’s say an agitated mumbler in a trench coat with shoes crudely fashioned out of car wash sponges -- joins... Continue Reading

Choosing to Overlook the Obvious

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
I live in an old house that overlooks a single-track CSX rail line. Between my front gate and the train is a two-lane, neighborhood-edge thoroughfare with a speed limit of 35 mph and an average speed closer to 40. Though it functions as an in-town, city street, it’s classified as a state highway by the Georgia DOT,... Continue Reading

Planning for People

Scott Doyon
Scott Doyon Twitter Instagram Facebook
It wasn’t intentional but a look back at the past few weeks of PlaceShakers reveals that we’ve been working a bit of a theme. It began when I wrote about the failure of planners to ask meaningful questions, and how that not only sets the stage for unmet community expectations, but devalues the art and craft of... Continue Reading
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